We have the most amazing news. Do you all remember Gargoyle and his sister Gremline? (If not, check them out here - http://rescuers101.blogspot.nl/2013/06/PiggiesIntro.html)
Well, after 7-months of waiting and healing at The Oahu SPCA - Gargoyle has found his forever home. Gargie, now known as 'Aumakua or Kua for short, is settling happily into his new life with his new family at Raw Dog Hawaii.
Kua's new Daddy sent us a message which had some news and an update in it. After bringing Kua home, they immediately started him on Raw Dog Hawaii's Chicken and Beef blend in order to help reduce some of the inflammation around his spinal and rear quad area. Kua doesn't sleep all day like he did the first few days and is now going on walks to help loosen him up.
The news is that they are almost 99% certain that Kua is now deaf. They have informally tested him and have started teaching him without using vocal commands. Although we are saddened to hear that Kua's hearing has deteriorated, we are super happy that the Raw Dog Hawaii family is so excited and willing to work with this goofy boy.
Rescuers101 and all who have followed the "Piggies" story would like to thank Raw Dog Hawaii for opening their hearts and home to a little man who won the hearts of every person who knew his tail. Take a look below at some images from Raw Dog Hawaii's Facebook page. Just look how happy Kua is.
Check for updates on Kua and his new family out at https://www.facebook.com/rawdogbrands